符长波, 陈勋, 陈云华, 崔祥仪, 方德清, Karl Giboni, Franco Giuliani, 韩柯, 季向东, 巨永林, 刘江来, 马余刚, 冒亚军, 任祥祥, 谈安迪, 王宏伟, 王萌, 王秋宏, 王思广, 吴士勇, 肖梦蛟, 谢鹏伟, 杨勇, 张宏光, 张涛, 赵力, 周宁, 周小鹏. PandaX实验的进展与展望[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2017, 34(3): 290-295. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.34.03.290
引用本文: 符长波, 陈勋, 陈云华, 崔祥仪, 方德清, Karl Giboni, Franco Giuliani, 韩柯, 季向东, 巨永林, 刘江来, 马余刚, 冒亚军, 任祥祥, 谈安迪, 王宏伟, 王萌, 王秋宏, 王思广, 吴士勇, 肖梦蛟, 谢鹏伟, 杨勇, 张宏光, 张涛, 赵力, 周宁, 周小鹏. PandaX实验的进展与展望[J]. 原子核物理评论, 2017, 34(3): 290-295. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.34.03.290
FU Changbo, CHEN Xun, CHEN Yunhua, CUI Xiangyi, FANG Deqing, Karl Giboni, Franco Giuliani, HAN Ke, JI Xiangdong, JU Yonglin, LIU Jianglai, MA Yugang, MAO Yajun, REN Xiangxiang, TAN Andi, WANG Hongwei, WANG Meng, WANG Qiuhong, WANG Siguang, WU Shiyong, XIAO Mengjiao, XIE Pengwei, YANG Yong, ZHANG Hongguang, ZHANG Tao, ZHAO Li, ZHOU Ning, ZHOU Xiaopeng. Progress and Prospect of PandaX Experiment[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2017, 34(3): 290-295. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.34.03.290
Citation: FU Changbo, CHEN Xun, CHEN Yunhua, CUI Xiangyi, FANG Deqing, Karl Giboni, Franco Giuliani, HAN Ke, JI Xiangdong, JU Yonglin, LIU Jianglai, MA Yugang, MAO Yajun, REN Xiangxiang, TAN Andi, WANG Hongwei, WANG Meng, WANG Qiuhong, WANG Siguang, WU Shiyong, XIAO Mengjiao, XIE Pengwei, YANG Yong, ZHANG Hongguang, ZHANG Tao, ZHAO Li, ZHOU Ning, ZHOU Xiaopeng. Progress and Prospect of PandaX Experiment[J]. Nuclear Physics Review, 2017, 34(3): 290-295. DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.34.03.290
  • 摘要: PandaX是位于四川的中国锦屏地下实验室(CJPL)内的,利用氙作为工作物质,探测暗物质等其它极稀有事件的大型地下粒子探测实验计划。PandaX探测器中的氙工作在气液两相的模式。通过检测液相和气相中闪烁光强的比例,实现对目标粒子包括WIMP和Axion等疑似信号的鉴别。PandaX已顺利完成了有效区体积约为120 kg氙的一期计划,目前正在运行实施有效区体积约为500 kg氙的二期计划。在WIMP质量为45 GeV/c2附近,探测灵敏度达2.97×10-45 cm2(90%置信度),没有发现WIMP疑似信号。本工作介绍了PandaX一期和二期的进展,以及后续升级计划,其中包括升级PandaX的时间投影室至4吨,建造用于屏蔽岩石放射性本底的水屏蔽,以及136Xe双贝塔衰变的研究计划等。

    PandaX is a xenon-based dark matter and other rare events searching project located at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL), Sichuan province, China. Dual phases, liquid and gas phase of xenon are used in the detector. Particles, including Weak Interaction Massive Particles (WIMPs) or axions etc., may induce scintillating signals in both liquid (S1 signal) and gas (S2 signal) phases, and then are identified by analyzing the ratio of S1 and S2. The PandaX had completed its first stage, the 120 kg in fiducial volume, and now is running in its stage Ⅱ with fiducial volume of 500 kg. The running results show that the WIMP-matter cross section detecting sensitivity of about 2.97×10-45 cm2(90% C.L.) has been achieved at a WIMP mass of 44.7 GeV/c2, and no WIMP candidates are identified. The upgrading plan of the PandaX is discussed, which include to build a larger Time project chamber (TPC) of about 4 tons, a water tank for radiation shielding, and the plan of 136Xe double beta decay studies.


    Abstract: PandaX is a xenon-based dark matter and other rare events searching project located at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL), Sichuan province, China. Dual phases, liquid and gas phase of xenon are used in the detector. Particles, including Weak Interaction Massive Particles (WIMPs) or axions etc., may induce scintillating signals in both liquid (S1 signal) and gas (S2 signal) phases, and then are identified by analyzing the ratio of S1 and S2. The PandaX had completed its first stage, the 120 kg in fiducial volume, and now is running in its stage Ⅱ with fiducial volume of 500 kg. The running results show that the WIMP-matter cross section detecting sensitivity of about 2.97×10-45 cm2(90% C.L.) has been achieved at a WIMP mass of 44.7 GeV/c2, and no WIMP candidates are identified. The upgrading plan of the PandaX is discussed, which include to build a larger Time project chamber (TPC) of about 4 tons, a water tank for radiation shielding, and the plan of 136Xe double beta decay studies.


